Saturday, May 12, 2012

great news for our environment

Last Monday, Captain Don addressed Ft Pierce City Commission. First to praise the Mayor for leading the charge for our winning the Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation. But also to point out that at a recent dive along the city seawall over 900 pieces of plastic serviceware were collected. This is significant and he felt it needed to be brought to their attention. Redevelopment Director Jon Ward was sent an Email covering the same information and asking why, for a small city that had just won such an honor for water conservation, did we not require our vendors to use biodegradable serviceware. I have just been informed that on Monday, May 21, 2012, Ft Pierce City Commission will address an ordinance submitted by Director Jon Ward, requiring biodegradable serviceware to be used at all outside events here. I am proud of my City. I am excited such an action is being considered and I had some impact on this. I am proud of all my divers who have assisted over the last 11 years to make the concerns of marine debris in the forefront of local concerns. I am proud because I am pretty sure this ordinance will pass. Wow. WTG Mr Ward. WTG City Commission. And then today: I just ran into County Commission Chairperson, Chris Craft and mentioned to him about this great news on serviceware and he asked me to forward the language of the ordinance and he would present it to the county commissioners this monday for passage. OMG. This is so great.

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